Ngoc Ninh Binh Well - water well is considered the largest in Vietnam. Every year, this place attracts tourists from all over to visit.
Ngoc Ninh Binh Well - water well is considered the largest in Vietnam. Every year, this place attracts tourists from all over to visit.
Bai Dinh Pagoda is probably no longer strange to tourists from all over, but not everyone knows that this place also has Ngoc Well - known as the largest water well in Vietnam.
Located right at the foot of Bai Dinh Co Pagoda mountain in Gia Sinh commune, Gia Vien district, Ninh Binh province, Ngoc Well was established about 1000 years ago.
The Jade Well at Bai Dinh Pagoda never runs out of water, so people often call it "God's Well" or "Dragon's Eye".
The well has a moon shape, a diameter of nearly 30m wide, and a depth of about 6m. Standing from the main hall of the pagoda, looking down at the Jade Well, which stands out among the large campus covered with green trees, the jade green water color is the highlight of the overall Bai Dinh Pagoda.
During the Bai Dinh Pagoda festival season at the beginning of the lunar year, thousands of people flock to worship and visit the pagoda and come to Ngoc Well to ask for water to use with the wish for peace and luck.
In December 2007, the Vietnam Record Book Center officially granted a certificate certifying the record of "The temple with the largest well in Vietnam" for Ngoc Well - Bai Dinh Pagoda.
Panorama of Ngoc Well from above looking down
Bai Dinh Pagoda is located in Trang An Scenic Landscape Complex in Gia Sinh commune, Gia Vien district, Ninh Binh province, far from City. Ninh Binh is about 18 km and about 100 km from Hanoi capital.
Tam The Palace, Bai Dinh Pagoda
Bai Dinh Pagoda is famous for its sacredness, a place where people often come to pray for good luck or peace, an attraction that should not be missed during the New Year.
Ninh Binh
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Update day
: 09/11/2023
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