What to buy as a gift when traveling to Bac Lieu? What famous specialties does Bac Lieu have? Refer to the suggestions compiled by 63Stravel below!
Famous Bac Lieu specialties always make tourists satisfied when enjoying as well as buying as gifts for relatives. From rustic country dishes to the most high-class dishes, visitors will not be disappointed. Follow 63Stravel to explore the article and answer the question "What should I buy as a gift when traveling to Bac Lieu?" okay!
What to buy as a gift when traveling to Bac Lieu?
With many unique specialties and gifts in Bac Lieu, below are the best suggestions for you to buy when traveling in this Western region to give to your relatives and friends.
Coi Xa – Xa Au
When you hear the name "Ruoi Xay" and "Sac-Dragon", you are probably extremely curious about what new specialty it is, right? In fact, this is a combination of pickled vegetables. Xau is a dish made from fresh radishes, washed, cut into pieces and dried in the sun until withered. Then, mix it with canned salt, add some spices and serve immediately. As for the musk bran, it is also processed similarly, adding a little wine when marinating and storing in jars for 2 weeks before being used.
Saffron alcohol - amaryllis is a specialty that captivates tourists when coming to Bac Lieu
With a simple method, when enjoyed, it is extremely delicious and unique. Eating musk tincture, ambarella with white rice will be extremely delicious and suitable for many people in the family. If you have the opportunity to come to Bac Lieu, don't forget to buy bamboo shoots and ambarella to give to your relatives and friends!
Boneless sour fish sauce
If you are wondering, "What should I buy as a gift when traveling to Bac Lieu?" Don't miss Vinh Hung's boneless sour fish sauce. This specialty dish is made from fresh perch and gourami fish.
Boneless sour fish sauce - A specialty as a gift when traveling to Bac Lieu
Through marinating and processing processes, this fish sauce dish has become delicious and is a famous specialty in Bac Lieu province. Normally, Bac Lieu boneless sour fish sauce will be eaten with spring rolls and eggs. This is one of the meaningful gifts for your family that you should consider.
Cowhide label
Referring to the Western provinces, it is impossible not to mention the most famous and fruitful fruit gardens in Vietnam. In Bac Lieu there are many famous fruits, but the most famous is the cow skin longan. Longans in this land are larger, succulent and have a sweeter scent than longans grown in other provinces/cities.
If you have the opportunity to visit Bac Lieu, don't forget to visit the longan gardens of this country. Walking through the lush foliage, you will see many ripe longan clusters with branches. Giving Bac Lieu cowhide longans to relatives and friends is probably a good idea.
Longan wine
Longan wine brewed from longan fruit is quite famous in Bac Lieu province. Local people have discovered how to brew this fruit with sticky rice, goji berries, and black beans to create a premium wine. When sipping a glass of longan wine, you will feel the sweet, rich taste that is very "intriguing". Drinking this type of wine in small amounts is good for your health. Therefore, if given as a gift, this is a very meaningful gift.
Longan wine - a famous health gift in Bac Lieu
Hong Dan's One Dust Rice
Mot Bui Red Hong Dan Rice is a Bac Lieu specialty rice famous throughout the country because of its extremely good export value. The rice has a characteristic dark red color, long, slender grains, and a light aroma. Because it is grown on salty soil, Mot Bui Do Hong Dan rice is extremely nutritious and special. When you arrive in Bac Lieu province, don't forget to enjoy Mot Bui Do Hong Dan rice and buy rice as gifts for your parents and friends!
Hong Dan Red Dust Rice - Bac Lieu specialty bought as a gift
>> Should read: Top 10+ famous historical sites in Bac Lieu that you should not miss
Traveling in Bac Lieu, you will see many stalls selling souvenirs such as: Pliers symbols, Bac Lieu natural pictures, wind power project symbols, handmade items,... Each souvenir All depict the image, culture and lifestyle of the people of Bac Lieu. Therefore, you can buy these items as gifts for relatives and friends as souvenirs.
Baked fish sauce
In addition to Vinh Hung boneless sour fish sauce, Ba Khia fish sauce is also one of the famous specialties in Bac Lieu. Fish sauce is made from crab (shaped like a crab, living mainly in the estuary of Bac Lieu - Ca Mau). Thanks to that, local people have used turtles to make fish sauce for a long time and are loved by many people.
Ba Khia fish sauce - a dish bought as a gift in Bac Lieu
Instead of buying fresh fish as a gift, which is difficult to pack and transport, buying fish sauce will be more suitable. With prices starting from only 130,000 VND/box of Ba Khia fish sauce. This is a meaningful gift for families who love delicious food.
Hearing the name tub tub, you will probably imagine some kind of new fruit, right! However, this is a specialty vegetable of Bac Lieu province. Taken from the young white part of the tuber tree, going through preliminary processing steps to create a delicious and unique dish.
Bon Bon Bac Lieu specialty - Delicious healthy food
Bon tub can be cooked with soup, stir-fried with beef or shrimp to make your family's meals more attractive. If you want your loved ones to enjoy a rustic but unique vegetable dish, don't forget to buy tub tub as a gift!
Nang Bop is a type of grass that grows wild throughout the mangrove fields in Bac Lieu. Local people often cut this grass to eat raw or make many delicious and strange dishes. Watermelon can be processed into salad, soup, hot pot, pickled, eaten raw, etc. After coming to Bac Lieu to visit and enjoy this rustic vegetable dish, you can buy a few jars of watermelon mixed with vinegar. chili garlic as a gift.
Radish cake
Radish cake is both a snack and a simple breakfast of the people of Bac Lieu province. The cake is made from fried flour and added shredded radish, dried shrimp, and minced meat on top. A crispy cake served with soy sauce creates a very attractive sweet and greasy taste. You can buy this type of cake to give to your loved ones when you have an interesting trip in this river area!
Bac Lieu radish cake - Street food that impresses tourists
>> Read more: Collection of beautiful photos of Bac Lieu tourist destinations
Dried buffalo meat
If the above suggestions are not suitable for you to choose to buy as gifts, then please refer to the snack - Bac Lieu dried buffalo meat. Delicious, nutritious dish with full spicy - sweet - salty flavors that stimulates the taste buds.
Dried buffalo meat can be bought as a gift when coming to Bac Lieu
Appearing in Bac Lieu province not long ago, dried buffalo meat has become a famous specialty and is very difficult to find. Many people when traveling to this province will have to book it in advance to bring it back as a gift after each trip.
Above are the specialties in Bac Lieu that can make gifts that are both meaningful and have a strong Western flavor that many people love. Hopefully with the above shares you will answer the question "What should I buy as a gift when traveling to Bac Lieu?", as well as choose the most suitable gift.
Bac Lieu
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: 06/09/2024